04 May Opinions are important when choosing an agent
A recent survey by allAgents.co.uk has revealed that more and more consumers are deciding which estate agent to use through personal recommendations and reviews.
The survey polled 1,000 landlords and vendors to find out how they chose their estate agent or letting agent. 31% revealed that personal recommendation was key, whereas 22% said that they used independent reviews. Price only received 5% of the vote.
Steven Greenfield, Director at Courtney Green commented:
“Choosing the right agent is vitally important and knowing that a friend or family member has had a good service can sway the decision. In the current property market it’s not always down to who gives you the highest valuation or who has the cheapest fees. You want to find someone who is going to actively market your property and keep you informed of the progress.”
Personal recommendations are something that Courtney Green has long been aware off.
“We have always made the effort to go the extra mile knowing the importance of word of mouth, but this year in particular we have taken it on a step by introducing our ‘we give more’ motto,” said Steven Greenfield.
Worryingly, not all agents feel the same. A staggering 70% of those surveyed said that they had heard horror stories about rogue agents. This may be a factor in why 37% were wary when selecting an agent.
“Unfortunately, there are those that let the industry down,” commented Steven Greenfield. He continued: “However, with personal recommendations and reviews at the forefront for landlords and vendors, surely these rogue agents will soon not be a problem.”
The poll also revealed further good news for the industry with 35% of the landlords and vendors surveyed stating that they received an excellent service from their agent.
The survey took place in March and April 2012.
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