Courtney Green News

Nominate an unsung hero

It’s now November and we are once again on the hunt for the deserving people of Horsham. We’ve teamed up with The Resident to find a person each month, right up until December, who deserves to be recognised within the community for going that extra mile.  Do you know someone who you think should be the November hero? If so, we would like to hear from you.

Heroes don’t have to be super. Most of the real heroes are regular members of society whose efforts go unnoticed. We want to find someone who makes Horsham a better place to live.

If you think someone you know deserves a special treat, simply send their name and a brief description of why they should be chosen to: Courtney Green ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ c/o PMW Communications, Stane Court, Stane Street, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9HP or email it to Deadline for entries is Sunday 18th November. The winner will receive an engraved award as well as vouchers for a local restaurant. In addition, they will also be eligible for a discount on fees from Courtney Green should they have any property needs in the future.

Nick Courtney and Steven Greenfield, Directors of Courtney and Green, commented: “Horsham is full of kind-hearted people who go out of their way to help others. We want to turn the tables and go out of our way to find those people and make sure they are recognised. There have been some fantastic nominations in the past few months and we look forward to receiving the November entries.”

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