Courtney Green News

Gill Ross is a great member of the community!

Courtney Green is delighted to announce that Gill Ross is the September winner of the Courtney Green ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ competition. The competition seeks to find Horsham’s unsung heroes, who do extraordinary things which make Horsham a better place to live.

Gill is Director of Horsham & Crawley Samaritans. This is an unpaid position which Gill does completely voluntarily and she goes above and beyond her role, even taking the volunteers on day trips as a thank you.

Gill will now be able to enjoy a meal for two with wine at the Boars Head in Horsham where she can be assured of a warm welcome, and a helpful and relaxed service. In addition, Courtney Green has offered Gill a discount on fees should she wish to buy, sell or let in the future

Courtney Green has teamed up with The Resident to find a person each month, right up until December, who deserves to be recognised within the community for going that extra mile in more ways than one.  They are now on the lookout for October’s hero. Do you know someone who you think deserves that title? If so, Courtney Green wants to hear from you.

Does your next door neighbour give up their time to help others? Does a friend of yours work tirelessly for a charity? If you think they deserve a special treat, simply send their name and a brief description of why they should be chosen to: Courtney Green ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ c/o PMW Communications, Stane Court, Stane Street, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9HP or email it to Deadline for entries is Sunday 14th October.  The winner will receive an engraved award as well as vouchers for a local restaurant and a discount on fees from Courtney Green should they have any property needs in the future.

Nick Courtney and Steven Greenfield, Directors of Courtney and Green, commented: “On behalf of everyone at Courtney Green, we would like to congratulate Gill on winning this award. It is actions like hers that really do make Horsham a special place to live. It is lovely that she gives up her time to help others that are less fortunate. We are sure there are lots more unsung heroes out there and we look forward to recognising them too.”

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