31 May Carfax based company calls on council to provide recycling service
A Horsham estate agent is calling on the council to provide a recycling service to businesses and shops based in the Carfax.
With National Green Office week starting on Monday 14th May, Courtney Green believe it’s the perfect time to raise the issue with a view to ensuring that a recycling service is provided.
Nick Courtney and Steven Greenfield, Directors at Courtney Green commented:
“At present any business or shop based in the Carfax has to do their own recycling. We do encourage our staff to recycle as much as possible and already separate the internal waste generated, however it is then down to us, and all other Carfax based companies, to ensure that the rubbish is taken to a recycling point.”
Nick and Steven continued:
“Our company policy is that ‘we give more’ and we are confident that if a collection service was provided, a higher percentage of waste would be recycled.”
Other Carfax based shops and businesses can show their support for the implementation of a recycling service by emailing Courtney Green on courtneygreen@pmwcom.co.uk.
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