Our telephones are being transferred at 1pm today and may be off-line for up to 4 hours. Please email sales@courtneygreen.co.uk, lettings@courtneygreen.co.uk, management@courtneygreen.co.uk, newhomes@courtneygreen.co.uk - we expect normal business to be resumed on Thursday 22nd of June. Thanks in advance for your understanding....

We currently have vacancies for a Trainee Negotiator and a Weekend Assistant. If you think you might have what it takes to be part of our team, please email your c.v. to our Sales Manager Andrew Bowling at andy@courtneygreen.co.uk....

If you are thinking of moving on 2017, why not get your property valued? We offer professional and definitely "without obligation" advice - please call the office on (01403) 252222 to make an appointment....

Christmas 2016 Business Hours:-   Friday,  23rd            -  9.00am  -  12 noon Christmas Eve         -  Closed Christmas Day         -  Closed Boxing Day        -  Closed Tuesday, 27th          -  Closed Wednesday, 28th -  9.00am  - 1.00pm Thursday,  29th      -  9.00am  - 1.00pm Friday, 30th            -  9.00am  - 1.00pm New Years Eve -  Closed New...